Ladysmith Transport Warehouse
Refrigerated trucks and cold-storage warehouses ensure the cold-chain from end-to-end

13241 Simpson Road,
Nanaimo, BC.
V9G 1H8
Local phone: 250-924-8897
Fax: 250-924-7977
The Ladysmith Transport Warehouse is strategically located just south of the Nanaimo airport and just 15 minutes from BC Ferry’s Duke Point terminal.
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday: 7 am to 9 pm
Saturday: By request
Sunday: Closed

Facilities & Fleet
Fast facts about the Nanaimo warehouse
- 12 loading doors
- 25,000 sq. ft., fully refigerated
- Onsite freezer
- Located on the Trans Canada Highway just South of the BC Ferries Duke point turn off